Drug for papillomas of the neck: efficacy and side effects

The remedy for papillomas in the neck has an antiviral and immunostimulatory effect that allows you to suppress HPV activity. There are many different drugs that can effectively fight the disease. All help reduce the activity of the virus, but do not contribute to the complete removal of papillomas, requiring minimally invasive surgery.

Why do papillomas appear in the neck?

The neck is in close contact with the clothes. During active sweating, moisture is shown, which is the optimal condition for the development of papillomas. A virus provokes their appearance, which enters the body from the outside and accumulates in the epithelial cells.

The second condition for the onset of the disease is impaired immunity. Only in the presence of pathologically low immune responses is the virus able to actively multiply and affect the scalp. The size of the neoplasms and the number of them completely depends on how many viral cells are present in the body.

What do they look like?

Cervical papillomatosis can have several types of warts:

  1. Pointed- has a common base and many papillae at the edge. Soft and supple with a flesh-colored tone. Most susceptible to injury.
  2. Flat- looks like a small rounded spot of light brown color. External manifestations resemble a mole.
  3. Filiform- single papillomas resembling thin threads 2-3 cm in height. With trauma, pain is provoked. At the site of the wound, infection is possible.

Papillomas are often confused with birthmarks, but they have nothing in common. Papillomatosis is provoked by a virus, so it is impossible to get rid of it just by removing the neoplasm. Complex treatment is required, performed in stages.

Drugs for the treatment of papillomas of the neck

The main task of drug therapy is a comprehensive effect on viral cells, which is achieved by taking antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. The treatment must be chosen by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the type of HPV.


Antiviral drugs affect the cells of the virus and cause them to be destroyed and destroyed. They are prescribed in cases where papillomatosis has a neglected form and there are more than 10-15 tumors in the neck.

Immunostimulants help the immune system to "wake up" by affecting the synthesis of immune cells. They are prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the immunogram.

The duration of treatment depends entirely on the degree of damage to the scalp and the level of the virus in the blood. The choice of this or that remedy is determined only by the doctor. Self-medication can be ineffective and dangerous to health, especially if you have a chronic illness.


A remedy for papillomas in the neck for topical application allows you to act on the accumulation of viral cells and destroy them. With the correct treatment, papillomas decrease in size and disappear completely if they have initial stages.

The ointment is applied point by point with a cotton swab or ear stick. Severe itching, redness of the neck and spots are the reason for withdrawal of drugs and revision of treatment.


Creams have a similar effect on papilloma, but differ in consistency and ability to penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis and neutralize not only the outer part of the papilloma, but also its root.

Pharmacological drugs for papillomas of the neck should be used with extreme caution as they can not only affect the papilloma itself but also on healthy skin areas.

Hardware methods for papilloma treatment

Papilloma consists of altered and viral epithelial cells that need to be removed.

Modern hardware methods are used for this:

  1. Radiowave therapy- the most painless and effective method of removing a neoplasm, after which scars and scars do not form.
  2. Cryodestruction- freezing of the wart where the virus completely dies.
  3. Electrocoagulation- burning of papilloma using current, after which a wound is formed.
  4. Laser Removal- it is prescribed for deep skin lesions. The procedure is extremely painful and therefore requires local anesthesia.

The best treatment for neck papillomas is the removal of radio waves. Before the procedure, a course of antiviral and immunostimulatory drugs is prescribed, which reduces the activity of the virus.

Surgical removal

Excision of papilloma in the neck is not used to treat papillomatosis. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Low efficiency of the procedure - only the superficial part of the neoplasm is removed and the root remains in place.
  2. High risk of injury - there are vessels and capillaries on the neck, if damaged, bleeding can not be avoided.
  3. The likelihood of recurrence - new warts appear at the site of the excised papilloma after some time.

The doctor prescribes a specific procedure based on the results of the diagnosis. Superficial flat papillomas are best removed by cryodestruction, while pointed neoplasms with a root require a deeper impact, which lies within a laser.

Folk medicine

It is strictly forbidden to use recipes for alternative medicine without consulting a specialist and undergoing extensive diagnostics. Some papillomas are triggered by a virus with high oncogenicity, so any manipulation and destruction of the neoplasm can serve as a trigger for the development of cancer.

Sometimes folk remedies for papillomas in the neck are the only way out, as traditional medicines have a detrimental effect on the liver and digestive tract. But they must be used with extreme caution.

In case there are several papillomas on the scalp, they are small in size, the doctor may recommend home treatment based on the use of improvised means.

folk medicine for papillomas

The most effective are:

  1. Celandine juice- apply fresh juice from the trunk of the plant to the papilloma, after which it becomes smaller. The procedure is painful but extremely effective.
  2. Garlic Cream- take 1 clove of garlic and chop it in mashed potatoes, then add it to a tablespoon of baby cream. Apply on papilloma in a thick layer.
  3. Walnut-Petroleum Tincture- Take 5 tablespoons of refined petroleum for a handful of green walnuts. All ingredients are mixed in a homogeneous mass and allowed to brew for 7-10 days in the refrigerator. Apply in a thin layer for 3-4 hours, then wash off the skin with warm water and soap.

Some recipes may cause rapid deterioration and active growth of papillomas throughout the throat. This necessitates constant monitoring by physicians. Folk remedies for papillomas of the neck help reduce the manifestation of the virus, but are not able to fully combat it.

To strengthen the immune system, herbal teas are used, which include herbs that have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties: chamomile, sage, mint, uterus, coltsfoot, stinging nettle, burdock.

The entire self-medication process must be monitored by a physician. The highest efficiency of treatment is achieved when folk recipes are supported by antiviral agents and immune modulators. In the presence of the development of side effects, it is necessary to return to traditional treatment.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself against HPV, as the virus can lie and wait anywhere. However, there are a number of guidelines that can help reduce the risk of infection:

  1. Avoid contact with a sick person and never use his household items.
  2. Limit visits to saunas and swimming pools where the probability of infection is extremely high.
  3. Have a regular sexual partner, use barrier contraception.
  4. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not give any personal belongings or clothes.
  5. Strengthen immunity through proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.
  6. Give up bad habits in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

If a person has strong immunity, the body after infection will be able to overcome the virus and prevent its accumulation and manifestation in the form of papillomas.